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calisthenics classes

At the School of Calisthenics we love teaching people new things and are passionate about help others start their Calisthenics Journey!

Our regular classes are a great way to learn or progress your calisthenics with a community of like-minded people.
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  • Aspire4Fitness, Keyworth, Nottingham, UK
  • Weekly on Tuesdays at 19:30
  • £10 per person

book a calisthenics class

Clicking the button above will take you to schoolofcalisthenics.com where you can book.

what to expect

In this 1 hour beginners class we’ll be focusing on the basic foundations and training principle you need to develop as a beginner regardless of your calisthenics goals.
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We’ll start the process and journey towards things like handstands, levers, human flags and muscle ups but we’ll also be covering things like your first pull up, push up and dip as foundation bodyweight movements, which the ‘sexy stuff’ is built upon.

We want to help you move better (increasing mobility and control) whilst having fun getting strong and learning some new skills!
So whether you are working on your handstand, your first pull up or even working towards something like a human with help you progressively along that journey.

We strip it right back to the basics and beginning so welcome new beginners every week to the class.
Hope to see you there!

meet the coach


Calisthenics Coach
About JOSH
Josh is a personal trainer & mobility instructor. 
As a Calisthenics Coach he enjoys helping people realise what they are capable of and overcome any barriers in the way. Also, working with students to solve skill based movement puzzles as they get closer to unlocking moves and redefining their impossible. 
In his personal practice he likes to explore a wide variety of movement/sports which having calisthenics as his foundation gives him the freedom to do so and with greater success.
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