training programme

Strength + Play Exercise Tutorials

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Training Programme Features
  • Coaches: Tim, Jacko, Georgie + Owen
  • Level: Beginner - Intermediate
  • Design your own workouts
  • 60+ Videos
  • Exercise Library
Do you want some variety and excitement back in your training sessions? If so the Strength + Play exercise library of tutorials is going to be a revolutionary addition to your training toolbox.
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An extensive library of bodyweight training progressions including movement drills, push, pull, hand balancing, core and lower body exercises for you to incorporate into your current programme, or use to create a fun new programme just for you.

training programme contents

To open the programme a click on one of the videos or ebooks below.
Your progress and videos you have watched are shown by the red ticks. 
the coaches

meet the team

tim stevenson

co-founder + coach
Tim has been a professional strength and conditioning coach working with elite athletes since 2008. He is a UK Strength and Conditioning Association Accredited (UKSCA) coach and has a Masters of Research in Exercise Physiology.

david jackson

David ‘Jacko’ Jackson was a professional rugby player for 14 years and now also a UKSCA coach. He has a Masters in Engineering, a PGCE in teaching and certifications in sports nutrition and psychology.

georgie Gabriel

Georgie is a Yoga instructor, Personal Trainer and former CrossFit box owner. She has an incredible balance of movement and strength abilities and is a fantastic and passionate coach.

owen jackson

Owen is a qualified PT continually exploring new practices in a quest for growth. With a genuine passion for calisthenics and a firm belief in the symbiosis of mind and body, he finds bodyweight training offers a complete package. 
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