Movement & mobility course
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training programme features
Coaches: Jacko + Georgie
Level: Beginner/Intermediate
Assessments to monitor progress
50+ Videos tutorials on demand
Lifetime access to course content
Simple to implement but effective at changing the way you move and improving your mobility!
Join both Jacko and Georgie to be guided through this movement and mobility course. Follow the tutorials, understand the science and philosophy behind progressions and integrate the drills into your training.
Join both Jacko and Georgie to be guided through this movement and mobility course. Follow the tutorials, understand the science and philosophy behind progressions and integrate the drills into your training.
ABOUT THE course
This programme is designed to help you understand how you move and what specific areas of restriction you need to work on most.
We provide some testing and re-testing assessment protocols that allow you to not only understand where you should focus your attention but importantly see the progress you are making session by session.
Get lifetime access and ongoing support with access to the online community as well as the full video tutorial library of all the exercises broken down simply into body parts or work towards specific mobility goals like a pancake.
sign up to Movement & mobility course now
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Course contents
Meet the coach
David Jackson
David ‘Jacko’ Jackson was a professional rugby player for 14 years and now also a UKSCA coach. He has a Masters in Engineering, a PGCE in teaching and certifications in sports nutrition and psychology.
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Meet the coach
Georgie Gabriel
Georgie has a great background and experience in the fitness industry. She's a Yoga instructor, Personal Trainer and former CrossFit box owner.
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