Playtime + Challenges
playtime + challenges features
Coaches: Tim + Jacko
Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Learn to move in new ways
50 Video Exercises + Challenges
A library of fun movement, strength or play challenges to have a go at. These can be used to compliment your basic strength or movement specific training programme and are designed to keep things fresh and fun.
Slot these into your week as you like, share them on social and challenge your friends. Albert Einstein said play was the highest form of research. Give yourself the freedom to explore movement, get superhuman strong and have more fun and this is the perfect place to show you how.
Playtime + Challenges Library
the coaches
meet the team
tim stevenson
co-founder + coach
Tim has been a professional strength and conditioning coach working with elite athletes since 2008. He is a UK Strength and Conditioning Association Accredited (UKSCA) coach and has a Masters of Research in Exercise Physiology.
david jackson
David ‘Jacko’ Jackson was a professional rugby player for 14 years and now also a UKSCA coach. He has a Masters in Engineering, a PGCE in teaching and certifications in sports nutrition and psychology.
Georgie Gabriel
Georgie is a Yoga instructor, Personal Trainer and former CrossFit box owner. She has an incredible balance of movement and strength abilities and is a fantastic and passionate coach.
owen jackson
Owen is a qualified PT continually exploring new practices in a quest for growth. With a genuine passion for calisthenics and a firm belief in the symbiosis of mind and body, he finds bodyweight training offers a complete package.